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mindfulness málaga

Mindfulness, is revealing itself as the main instrument for advancing towards psychological health, the auto realization and the liberation of suffering.

This training course taught by The Baraka Institute, has been developed on Baraka’s own model of training based on the personal practice of meditation, built on both the western Psychological Sciences and Oriental philosophical traditions.

This training is aimed at both professionals and individuals that are stakeholders in their own growth.

The following structure has been proposed:
• Train participants in meditative techniques.
• Learn Mindfulness protocols directed at different dysfunctions
• Acquire a repertoire of tools to implement in various fields promoting a climate of tranquility, compassion and openness to experience interpersonal relationships.

The training takes place throughout 6 weekends and includes a retreat. In addition, support and complementary materials are available that will be contested via telematics throughout the course.

We’ve reworked our formative approach and have included new advances in our community.This will allow graduates to become tutors to these new practises, letting them to create a group where everyone will be enriched and able to learn in the committed knowledge shared by all.

1610 €
Detalles del precio:

To book a spot you must make a deposit of 230€ in the following account number: ES80 3187 0428 8645 8161 7612 Caja Rural del Sur. Be sure to put: mindful concept + first and last name (VERY IMPORTANT!)


You can make pre-register by contacting Formacioninstructormindfulness@gmail.com


In order to be able to train as a mindfulness instructor, at least one of these four requirements must be fulfilled:

Must have participated in a Mindfulness program (MBSR, MBCT, others.) 
 2) Must have performed a 3-month on-line Pre-Program at Baraka with a certified instructor (click here). 3) Must have had experience in Vipassana meditation for at least 2 months at our meditation school or under the direction of an accredited instructor.
4) Must have performed a Vipassana retreat of at least 5-7 days.
With these requirements people who enter the training course, will already have had an experience in the practice of Mindfulness and a will understand the habit of meditation which will contribute to a better use of the course on a personal and group level.

Más información:
http://www.espaciohumanomalaga.com/formacion-instructores-de-mindfulness/" target="_blank">Pincha aquí si quieres saber más
Baraka ausiás cebolla

ausiás cebolla

Doctor of psychology. Professor at the University of Valencia.

Xaro Chacopino

Trained in Gestalt techniques by IPETG, Vipassana meditation instructor and disciple of Dhiravamsa, Mindfulness instructor, trained in Qi Gong by Khearling Universal Arts Center in Chiang Mai (Thailand) by Master Luke Chan in Zhongshan (China), Biodynamic craniosacral Therapist trained in the European School of Craniosacral Therapy. Javea (Spain).

Carlos Mateo

Carlos works at the University of Alicante, where he gives workshops on Corporal awareness, Mindfulness and how to prevent stress through Mindfulness. Instructor of Mindfulness and trainer of instructors in Mindfulness. Certified Yoga teacher. Chi Kung Monitor.
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